
Topic: Frege

Expound Frege's notions of sinn (sense) and bedeutung (reference/meaning) taking proper names as a an example. How is Frege's distinction supposed to deal with coreference? Do you think it is successful?

  1. Frege, G.
  2. 'On Sinn and Bedeutung', 'On Concept and Object', 'Thoughts', and 'Compound Thoughts', all of which may be found in Collected Papers on Mathematics, Logic, and Philosophy, ed. B. McGuiness, tr. M. Black, et. al. Blackwell, (1984).
  3. Beany, M. (1996): Frege: Making Sense, Duckworth.
  4. Dummet, M. (1993): Frege: Philosophy of Language, ch. 1 (ch. 2-7 are relevant also), Harvard University Press.

Topic: Russell

Essay Question:

Expound Russell's theory of denoting phrases. Do you think that it is successful? Why?


  1. The special issue of Mind: '100 Years on 'On Denoting', volume 114, 456, October 2005 contains Russell's original paper, an excellent introduction by Stephen Neale, and nine papers on the topic by Kripke and Kaplan etc. All of these are relevant.
  2. If your inside the Oxford network you should be able to access the issue here:

Topic: Carnap

Essay Question:

Explain Carnap's distinction between extension and intension. Make reference to Carnap's treatment of coreferring expressions and their occurrence within the scope of belief reports. Do you think that his method is successful? Why?


Topic: Quine

Essay Question:

Explicate and assess Quine's attacks on meaning and the analytic/synthetic distinction.


Topic: Kripke

Essay Question:

How many varieties of necessity and possibility does Kripke acknowledge? How does it/do they operate? Expound the phenomena of the necessary a posteriori and the contingent a priori and their relationship the variety/varieties of necessity and possibility. Make reference to Kripke's notion of rigid designation and provide examples.


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email seb: sequoiah {at}

email inky: inkythewhiteboardmarker {at}

inky's twitter: @inkymarkerpen