
Topic: Frege on Sense and Reference

Essay Question:

Expound Frege's notions of sinn (sense) and bedeutung (reference/meaning) taking proper names as a an example. How is Frege's distinction supposed to deal with coreference? Do you think it is successful?


Topic: Frege on Concept and Object

Essay Question:

Frege declares that never losing sight of the distinction between concept and object is one of three fundamental principles he kept to in the Foundations (Introduction, p. X ). Expound Frege’s distinction between concept and object and assess its importance for his Foundations of Arithmetic.


Topic: Russell

Essay Question:

Expound Russell's theory of denoting phrases. Do you think that it is successful? Why?


Topic: Wittgenstein

Essay Question:

"All the propositions of logic say the same thing, viz nothing. They are tautologies" (Tractatus, 4.46, 6.1). Discuss.


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